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Red Brick Fireplace
Tool Type:

Import/Export Data:
--[[TT v1.2.6]]
set = {
{"Building Block: Red Brick Plank", "I1BA3B34224BD7009,4F5F957F993387A0,,,,,,", 1411.5465087891, 936.58917236328, 957.76397705078, 1.5707958936691, -0, -0, 1.4019160270691},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Square", "I3F97A13C3095C5DC,1D458A0CC04B0061,,,,,,", 1411.4995117188, 936.08508300781, 959.00079345703, 1.5707960128784, -0, -0, 2.504899263382},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Square", "I3F97A13C3095C5DC,1D458A0CC04B0061,,,,,,", 1409.9112548828, 936.00256347656, 958.78002929688, 1.5707963705063, -0, 1.5707963705063, 2.862375497818},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Cube", "I17FF59E94974850B,DE2374ACC032A039,,,,,,", 1410.388671875, 935.75732421875, 958.15551757813, -0, -0, -0, 1.2282989025116},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Cube", "I17FF59E94974850B,DE2374ACC032A039,,,,,,", 1411.5285644531, 939.26361083984, 959.12750244141, -0, -0, -0, 1.7323198318481},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Cube", "I17FF59E94974850B,DE2374ACC032A039,,,,,,", 1411.5290527344, 938.49536132813, 959.12799072266, -0, -0, -0, 1.7323198318481},
{"Rectangle Onir Table", "IFCE4A8B85DB2481E,0AEF1F53CAA11B7F,,,,,,", 1411.5151367188, 936.36016845703, 958.42309570313, -0, -0, -0, 0.84253734350204},
{"Burning Fireplace", "I70CC8D791B9FF573,3D44BEFE7A76667E,,,,,,", 1411.5571289063, 935.6123046875, 958.17327880859, -0, 1.5704510211945, -0, 0.66132521629333},
{"Rectangle Onir Table", "IFCE4A8B85DB2481E,0AEF1F53CAA11B7F,,,,,,", 1411.515625, 937.06567382813, 958.91815185547, -0, -0, -0, 0.7089159488678},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Cube", "I17FF59E94974850B,DE2374ACC032A039,,,,,,", 1412.4310302734, 936.73736572266, 958.71081542969, -0, -0, -0, 1.2282989025116},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Cube", "I17FF59E94974850B,DE2374ACC032A039,,,,,,", 1410.4284667969, 936.13427734375, 958.15600585938, -0, -0, -0, 1.2282989025116},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Square", "I3F97A13C3095C5DC,1D458A0CC04B0061,,,,,,", 1413.0150146484, 936.00305175781, 958.78051757813, 1.5707963705063, -0, 1.5707963705063, 2.862375497818},
{"Elven Coffee Table", "IFBADF40B486FAA24,FAC574EA58822A0E,,,,,,", 1411.6274414063, 936.09509277344, 958.12286376953, 1.5707963705063, 1.5707963705063, 0, 0.52998149394989},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Cube", "I17FF59E94974850B,DE2374ACC032A039,,,,,,", 1412.6591796875, 936.134765625, 958.15649414063, -0, -0, -0, 1.2282989025116},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Cube", "I17FF59E94974850B,DE2374ACC032A039,,,,,,", 1412.5415039063, 935.75830078125, 958.15649414063, -0, -0, -0, 1.2282989025116},
{"Rectangle Onir Table", "IFCE4A8B85DB2481E,0AEF1F53CAA11B7F,,,,,,", 1411.515625, 935.05975341797, 958.39440917969, -0, -0, -0, 0.84253734350204},
{"Rectangle Onir Table", "IFCE4A8B85DB2481E,0AEF1F53CAA11B7F,,,,,,", 1411.4631347656, 939.0458984375, 959.18762207031, -0, -0, -1.5707958936691, 0.72648525238037},
{"Rectangle Onir Table", "IFCE4A8B85DB2481E,0AEF1F53CAA11B7F,,,,,,", 1411.6033935547, 939.0458984375, 959.18762207031, -0, -0, 1.570796251297, 0.72648519277573},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Cube", "I17FF59E94974850B,DE2374ACC032A039,,,,,,", 1410.58984375, 936.73785400391, 958.71130371094, -0, -0, -0, 1.2282989025116},
{"Rectangle Onir Table", "IFCE4A8B85DB2481E,0AEF1F53CAA11B7F,,,,,,", 1411.5161132813, 936.54876708984, 958.91864013672, -0, -0, -0, 0.7089159488678},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Cube", "I17FF59E94974850B,DE2374ACC032A039,,,,,,", 1411.4954833984, 936.64947509766, 958.75244140625, -0, -0, -0, 1.3393536806107},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Cube", "I17FF59E94974850B,DE2374ACC032A039,,,,,,", 1412.6558837891, 935.7578125, 958.15600585938, -0, -0, -0, 1.2282989025116},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Cube", "I17FF59E94974850B,DE2374ACC032A039,,,,,,", 1411.5280761719, 937.54431152344, 959.12701416016, -0, -0, -0, 1.7323198318481},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Plank", "I1BA3B34224BD7009,4F5F957F993387A0,,,,,,", 1411.5460205078, 936.85345458984, 957.76348876953, 1.5707960128784, -0, -0, 1.4019161462784},
{"Building Block: Red Brick Cube", "I17FF59E94974850B,DE2374ACC032A039,,,,,,", 1410.6207275391, 935.7587890625, 958.15698242188, -0, -0, -0, 1.2282989025116}
This Tinker Tools set is for the complete fireplace as shown, minus all decorations. This set needs a little bit of space behind it, to hide the excess of tables and cubes. Materials: 6 Rectangular Onir Tables, 12 Red Brick Cubes, 1 Burning Fireplace, 1 Elven Coffee Table, 2 Red Brick Planks, 3 Red Brick Squares.