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Luscious Blue and Green Bed
Tool Type:

Import/Export Data:
--[[TT v1.3.1]]
set = {
{"Wide Blue Carpet", "I3DBC6F806A6691C6,0C1F970A19B50298,,,,,,", 591.61218261719, 1250.5129394531, 1140.4169921875, -0, 0.7640300989151, -0, 0.84425169229507},
{"Building Block: Blue Roof Tile Pole", "I41093EAA71F5F2B3,A288DF9F6D7D9AF1,,,,,,", 592.06414794922, 1250.3564453125, 1142.9521484375, 1.5707968473434, -1.7881393432617e-007, 0.76400762796402, 3.0359032154083},
{"Solid Green Pillow", "I71B702BB531BC847,173D3DFE88BC185E,,,,,,", 590.99755859375, 1250.7984619141, 1139.0965576172, 2.0810947631844e-008, 0.77284228801727, 0.49929842352867, 1.0736249685287},
{"Wide Onir Chest", "I028090ED5C164010,E00107011612CA33,,,,,,", 590.93762207031, 1248.3031005859, 1140.9387207031, -0, 0.7640300989151, -0, 2},
{"Building Block: Blue Roof Tile Pole", "I41093EAA71F5F2B3,A288DF9F6D7D9AF1,,,,,,", 589.97485351563, 1250.3564453125, 1140.736328125, 1.5707963705063, -2.3841857910156e-007, 2.3347811698914, 3.0359020233154},
{"Wall Fountain Face", "I265A2EE81B8F514B,3A6D788EF7F281FF,,,,,,", 589.50103759766, 1249.2049560547, 1138.4067382813, -9.9895465909146e-015, 0.77960538864136, 3.1415927410126, 0.76670700311661},
{"Flour Sack", "IFE6B009A34EB5B6E,FE3B91BDB6B83364,,,,,,", 589.97778320313, 1250.6043701172, 1139.6893310547, -0, 0.77284246683121, -0, 1.05521941185},
{"Building Block: Blue Roof Tile Pole", "I41093EAA71F5F2B3,A288DF9F6D7D9AF1,,,,,,", 588.88690185547, 1250.357421875, 1139.6931152344, 1.5707963705063, -1.7881393432617e-007, 2.3347699642181, 3.0359029769897},
{"Solid Green Pillow", "I71B702BB531BC847,173D3DFE88BC185E,,,,,,", 590.28265380859, 1250.7984619141, 1139.8718261719, 2.0810947631844e-008, 0.77284228801727, 0.49929842352867, 1.0736249685287},
{"Flour Sack", "IFE6B009A34EB5B6E,FE3B91BDB6B83364,,,,,,", 590.77612304688, 1250.6043701172, 1138.7410888672, -0, 0.77284246683121, -0, 1.05521941185},
{"Building Block: Blue Roof Tile Pole", "I41093EAA71F5F2B3,A288DF9F6D7D9AF1,,,,,,", 591.86456298828, 1250.3564453125, 1138.7567138672, 1.5707963705063, -1.7881393432617e-007, 2.3347699642181, 3.0359029769897},
{"Wide Onir Chest", "I028090ED5C164010,E00107011612CA33,,,,,,", 592.74084472656, 1250.4537353516, 1141.4692382813, 3.141592502594, 0.804338991642, -9.2598220646778e-008, 1.4657862186432},
{"Wide Onir Chest", "I028090ED5C164010,E00107011612CA33,,,,,,", 592.06591796875, 1248.3031005859, 1139.7541503906, -0, 0.7640300989151, -0, 2},
{"Building Block: Blue Roof Tile Pole", "I41093EAA71F5F2B3,A288DF9F6D7D9AF1,,,,,,", 590.77661132813, 1250.357421875, 1137.7135009766, 1.5707963705063, -0, 2.3347592353821, 3.0359001159668}