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About Us
Thank you for visiting RiftDimensionAddicts.com!
We know you're wondreing, "Why another community site dedicated to dimensions!?"
First, this is ***NOT*** a Blog! We're not bloggers and we have no intention (or desire) to Blog on this site. This is an informational site that we built with 3 objectives in mind:
1. A Toolbox Add-on Tutorial Section.
I've long loved the Toolbox add-on for Dimensions, and have experimented at length with all of its functionality and depth. Toolbox, at first glance, is a bit overwhelming, and the community needed help learning how to use this awesome tool (written by Arkzy), so I created the "Dimension Toolbox Tutorial for Beginners" to help players overcome their fear of the Toolbox Interface and learn how valuable it can be. For weeks after I released that tutorial, I received hundreds of tells in-game and forum private messages asking if I could please release more videos explaining some of the less understood functionality of Toolbox. Back in February, I posted on the Forums that I was planning more Toolbox Tutorials, which ended up consisting of 13 3 to 5 minute tutorials that I thought would be more easily viewed than another 15-25 minute video. You can also now pick which topic you're interested in rather than forwarding through several minutes looking for specific points of interest. As I was making the tutorial for 'Importing and Exporting' Item Sets, I realized there has been a LOT of players asking for a medium to share sets with... which brought me to purpose #2. Sharing videos is easy enough through a YouTube channel and forum posts, but storing and sharing Item Sets... required something much more robust!
2. A Toolbox Item Set Repository.
Players can browse other players item sets, copy the Toolbox code, and import it into their own toolbox lists so they can create their own version of that Item Set in their own dimensions. Once I'd made up my mind on creating a website for Toolbox Tutorials and Item Set sharing, I was talking with Kitasia about her thoughts on another community website and the discussion quickly turned to how we both love parts of several sites, but that there were things with each site we wished was different. This brought us to purpose #3:
3. A RiftHead.com-like interface and database that focuses on, categorizes, and filters Dimension related Items.
We LOVE RiftHead.com! They have a nearly complete database of every item in Rift (seems to only be missing the most recently released dimension items,) but when we are trying to find specific dimension items, for example, that are made by Artificers... if you don't already know the item name... you're kind of out of luck.
So... we thought, "It sure would be awesome if we could combine the navigation and structure of RiftHead.com with Dimension specific items and be able to filter those items how we would like to see them filtered." This was a great prospect indeed! We dove in and found out that between the 3 of us, we could in fact attempt this huge undertaking. But we needed a name... We tossed several names back and forth. We wanted something the community could identify with. Forum posts had mentioned terms like "Dimension Engineer", "Dimensioneer", "Addict", "Rift Addict", "Dimension Addict", "Builders", "Dimension Builders", "Dimension Crafters", etc. and at that same time we were theorizing this project, players were just starting to group up in a new in-game channel on Deepwood called DimensionAddicts, in order to help each other and discuss all-things Dimension.
We'd used the term 'Addict' before with each other and heard the term on the forums and in conversations with other Dimension builders and thought that 'Addict' would be a great name for our new site (not to mention appropriate), we checked to see if the .com Name was available, and it was, so the decision was made. Since then, the in-game DimensionAddicts@Deepwood channel has become quite popular. In fact, more and more players are joining every day to help strengthen this awesome community, and a new group of players on the EU servers have been gathering in a sister channel Dimensionaddicts@Zaviel
The term DimensionAddicts has become fairly well-known, much more so now than it was before we registered the name, but we feel the name is appropriate for the content we're supplying, and other sites have adopted the name in various ways, so we're in good company. We do *not* own, or run, the in-game DimensionAddicts channel on the Deepwood or Zaviel servers. We do support it by using it and encourage other players to do the same. We *are* still working very hard every day to improve its functionality, design, and load speed. Please bear with us as we continue to make modifications and improvements to the sites design and layout. We have a lot of time and energy invested in RiftDimensionAddicts.com and hope you find it as useful as we do!
Please Enjoy RiftDimensionAddicts.com!
With Respect,
Bhrawn (Courdelia), Kitasia, and Kylore