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Limestone Upper Cabinet
Tool Type:
Import/Export Data:
--[[TT v1.2.0]]
set = {
{"Building Block: Wood Square", "IFE33236342049AFE,D721F224FC31EDF2,,,,,,", 610.12316894531, 1311.6710205078, 1254.5500488281, 1.5707963705063, -0, 1.5707963705063, 1.1971287727356},
{"Building Block: Limestone Plank", "I3818BAD530B1947F,E65961B97AA1A075,,,,,,", 610.30120849609, 1312.0634765625, 1253.134765625, -0, 1.5704510211945, -0, 1.6874194145203},
{"Building Block: Limestone Square", "I3818BAD162A76C77,DC1C64A4763AFE8C,,,,,,", 610.5771484375, 1311.6557617188, 1255.0350341797, 1.5707960128784, -0, -0, 1.3011775016785},
{"Building Block: Limestone Square", "I3818BAD162A76C77,DC1C64A4763AFE8C,,,,,,", 610.5771484375, 1311.6557617188, 1251.283203125, 1.5707960128784, -0, -0, 1.3011775016785},
{"Building Block: Limestone Plank", "I3818BAD530B1947F,E65961B97AA1A075,,,,,,", 610.6484375, 1311.1639404297, 1253.1337890625, -0, 1.5704510211945, -0, 1.6874194145203},
{"Orange Corked Jug", "IFC6FC1CD23C2E745,4B21AFDCBC566A10,,,,,,", 610.46527099609, 1311.3435058594, 1252.337890625, -0, -0, -1.570796251297, 0.64480197429657},
{"Building Block: Wood Square", "IFE33236342049AFE,D721F224FC31EDF2,,,,,,", 610.12316894531, 1311.6710205078, 1252.6719970703, 1.5707963705063, -0, 1.5707963705063, 1.1971287727356},
{"Orange Corked Jug", "IFC6FC1CD23C2E745,4B21AFDCBC566A10,,,,,,", 610.46527099609, 1311.3435058594, 1254.1981201172, -0, -0, -1.570796251297, 0.64480197429657},
{"Building Block: Limestone Square", "I3818BAD162A76C77,DC1C64A4763AFE8C,,,,,,", 610.55743408203, 1311.6557617188, 1252.2266845703, 1.5707960128784, -0, -0, 1.2201926708221},
{"Building Block: Limestone Plank", "I3818BAD530B1947F,E65961B97AA1A075,,,,,,", 610.70471191406, 1312.0634765625, 1253.134765625, -0, 1.5704510211945, -0, 1.6874194145203},
{"Building Block: Wood Square", "IFE33236342049AFE,D721F224FC31EDF2,,,,,,", 610.12316894531, 1311.6710205078, 1251.7222900391, 1.5707963705063, -0, 1.5707963705063, 1.1971287727356},
{"Building Block: Limestone Square", "I3818BAD162A76C77,DC1C64A4763AFE8C,,,,,,", 610.55743408203, 1311.6557617188, 1254.1014404297, 1.5707960128784, -0, -0, 1.2201926708221},
{"Orange Corked Jug", "IFC6FC1CD23C2E745,4B21AFDCBC566A10,,,,,,", 610.46527099609, 1311.3435058594, 1252.0656738281, -0, -0, -1.570796251297, 0.64480197429657},
{"Building Block: Wood Square", "IFE33236342049AFE,D721F224FC31EDF2,,,,,,", 610.12316894531, 1311.6710205078, 1253.6062011719, 1.5707963705063, -0, 1.5707963705063, 1.1971287727356},
{"Building Block: Limestone Square", "I3818BAD162A76C77,DC1C64A4763AFE8C,,,,,,", 610.55743408203, 1311.6557617188, 1253.1591796875, 1.5707960128784, -0, -0, 1.2201926708221},
{"Building Block: Limestone Plank", "I3818BAD530B1947F,E65961B97AA1A075,,,,,,", 610.30120849609, 1311.1649169922, 1253.134765625, -0, 1.5704510211945, -0, 1.6874194145203},
{"Orange Corked Jug", "IFC6FC1CD23C2E745,4B21AFDCBC566A10,,,,,,", 610.46527099609, 1311.3435058594, 1253.9609375, -0, -0, -1.570796251297, 0.64480197429657}
Set is for the upper cabinet as shown, without any decorative elements. Materials: 4 Orange Corked Jugs, 4 Wood tiles, 4 Limestone Planks, 5 Limestone Tiles
Changed to a Tinker Tools set, with 3.7 update for Tile/Square ID change. Materials remain the same.